Botanicare Clearex
Clearex was designed for the periodic rinsing and removal of excess salt buildup in container gardens and hydroponic systems. Many growers agree that a pre-harvest flush is crucial for improving the flavors of dried herbs/flowers. Many flushing products require a 10-14 day window prior to harvest which reduces the crucial terpene production time in crops. Clearex requires a smaller 3-7 day window prior to harvest so growers can continue to maximize the yield and potency of their crops without jeopardizing flavor. Clearex can be used to correct the most common cause of crop failure- the buildup of nutrient salt deposits in soil or soiless grow media. Over-fertilization and high concentrations of mineral based nutrients in grow media can cause shrinkage and death of plant cells due to the excess draw of water through cell walls. This can eventually lead to irreversible wilting of plant leaves and stems. It can also lead to nutrient lockout and crop failure. Clearex draws salts away from plant roots and grow media while helping to maintain equilibrium during periodic or preharvest flushing
Usage Application
Mix 2 tsp (5ml) of Clearex per gallon of water. Use Clearex with pure water only. Mix well and adjust pH.
Between nutrient changes: Drain all existing nutrient solution. Add only Clearex and fresh water and allow to re-circulate in your system for approximately two hours. Drain completely and refill reservoir with fresh nutrient solution.
Pre-harvest: Drain all existing nutrient solution. Refill reservoir with Clearex and fresh water only. Begin running this solution during the last 3 – 7 days before harvest during the ripening phase.
For container gardens:
Between nutrient changes: Drench thoroughly with Clearex solution until there is 20 – 40% runoff from the bottom of the pot. Resume regular feeding with your next scheduled watering.
Pre-harvest: Drench daily until 10 – 20% runoff is achieved from the container. Begin running this solution during the last 3 – 7 days before harvest during the ripening phase.